علمِ قراءات اور دیگر دینی علوم کا باہمی تعلق


  • Qismatullah Khan Research scholar, Department of Usooluddin, University of Karachi.
  • Muhammad Ishaq Department of Usooluddin, University of Karachi.
  • Nosheen Bano Research scholar, Department of Usooluddin, University of Karachi.


Quran in seven letters, interpretation, translation of Quranic words.


It is clear from the fact that Allah has revealed the Quran in seven letters. And there are many things hidden in it. These are important to make Quranic readiness easier for people who read, and translate translation of Quranic words, in the contemporary interpretation of the meaning of Wafa'am and Ahmah Mussel, to smooth the path of extravagance and ease for the Umrah period. There are many such sciences that stand on the basis of different types of trees. These verses are explaining the meaningful meaning of Quranic interpretation in the Qur'aan, based on the verses of the Qur'aan, a faqha is a knowledge of a profession in the verses of the Quran, that is, in fact, the interpretation of Salaf is mentioned in the verses, On the basis of them, the Koran receives discrimination and Ejaz, which is mentioned in Koran in case of Kaafir's challenge.

وَإنْ کُنْتُمْ فِیْ رَیْبٍ مِّمَّا نَزَّلْنَا عَلٰی عَبْدِنَا فَأتُوْا بِسُوْرَۃٍ مِّنْ مِّثْلِہِ وَادْعُوْا شُھَدَاء کُمْ مِّنْ دُوْنِ اﷲِ إنْ کُنْتُمْ صٰدِقِیْنَ فَاِنْ لَّمْ تَفْعَلُوْا ولن تفعلوا۔

"And if you suspect that this book which we ascend to our servant, it is not ours, so make one Surah like it, call our new ones, except for Allah Take the help you want, if you are truthful then do this work, but you did not do this and could never believe. "

In relation to knowledge, other scholars and scholars (interpretation, jurisprudence, problems, beliefs, knowledge, knowledge and virtue of Muslim tradition) will be cleared.



How to Cite

Khan, Q., Ishaq, M., & Bano, N. (2018). MUTUAL CORRELATION BETWEEN QIRAAT AND VARIOUS DISCIPLINES OF ISLAM: علمِ قراءات اور دیگر دینی علوم کا باہمی تعلق. Habibia Islamicus (The International Journal of Arabic and Islamic Research), 2(2), 29-44. Retrieved from

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