فرقہ پرستی کے نقصانات اور اثرات کا جائزہ


  • Hadi Bux Chhijan Assistant Professor, MUET, SZAB Campus Khairpur Mir’s
  • Jabeen Bhutto Assistant Professor, Department of Comparative Religion & Islamic Culture, Sindh University, Jamshoro
  • Basheer Ahmed Dars Faculty Member, MUET, SZAB Campus khairpur Mir’s


Sectarianism, negative impacts, Disagreement, Ijtihad


Allah swt has commanded the Muslims to remain united and has forbidden sectarianism upon them so that the Muslims can live in love and harmony with each other. In the early days of Islam all quarrels ended and Muslims became brothers because of the love and brotherhood that the spirit of Islam infused in them. This love has been mentioned by Allah Almighty as a blessing. But after the martyrdom of Uthman (RA), Muslims became victims of sectarianism. Due to that, their power and might also started to fade away gradually. In order to take out the Ummah from this whirl of sectarianism, the early generations of Muslims as well as those who followed them stood up and played their role through their words and their actions. This article is an attempt to walk in their footsteps and imitate the way of our pious predecessors in this regard. Although having differences of opinion and varied opinions about things is a very trait of human nature; it is also a great test. We should, therefore, keep it balanced and also look for the reasons which lead to it. We should also look at the place and source of disagreement. In fact, we should learn a lesson from the differences of the people of the book as to how they failed due to their disagreement. We should therefore take this matter very critically and should always give preference to the unity and prosperity of our Ummah over our own objectives, egos and material gains. It is also important to delineate the boundaries in which difference of opinion based on legitimate reasons should be accepted. For example, it is not a problem if there is a difference of opinion in terms of minor or finer Fiqhi matters as long as the main aspects and beliefs of the Deen are universally accepted and adhered to. In this perspective, difference of opinion within defined scope is fine. However we should come out of this philosophy that we are the only ones who have understood the Deen correctly and all others are misguided. There are some serious warnings in the Quran and Sunnah for those who fall into such mentality and create sects. Therefore, Muslims should avoid undue and uncontrolled differences among themselves so that there is no opportunity for the forces of disbelief to infiltrate and weaken the ranks of Muslims. Also, Muslims should form a unified global panel of Fuqaha which should take practical steps towards resolving prevalent differences among the Ummah. If a serious effort is made to eliminate these differences and sectarianism, Muslims can recommence their journey on the path to progress and regain their long-lost glory.



How to Cite

Hadi Bux Chhijan, Jabeen Bhutto, & Basheer Ahmed Dars. (2020). SECTARIANISM: ITS NEGETIVE IMPACTS AND OUTCOMES- AN ANALYSIS: فرقہ پرستی کے نقصانات اور اثرات کا جائزہ. Habibia Islamicus (The International Journal of Arabic and Islamic Research), 4(1), 71-84. Retrieved from